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Site Closed
- [Posted by Halo doverDeus @ 8:00 PM CST, 07/08/02]
I have ... decided to close down the site now due to lack of time and inconvenience in handling it. Although the site
is down, the forums are ever better, with lots of people socializing there everday. Don't forget to visit it every once in a
while (or everyday if you can :p) since there are alot of interesting discussions going on around.
Link: http://forums-theditritus.cjb.net/
Of course, I'm not saying I'll just ditch this site and never come back, so I still might post news occasionally, but no
guarantees. I still might change the splash until I like as well ;).
And by the way, I'm still accepting articles to be posted here. Just that no more downloads or anything else that was proposed.
Brazil will win the World Cup!
- [Posted by HoLy MoNk @ 7:00 PM CST, 06/25/02]
"Does it really work ?! >@@
Argentina last won the world cup in 1986.
Before that they won it in 1978.
Add 1978 and 1986, it equals to 3964.
Germany last won in 1990.
Before that they won in 1974.
Add 1990 and 1974, it equals to 3964.
Brazil last won the world cup in 1994.
Before that they won it in 1970.
Add 1970 and 1994, it equals to 3964.
So going by this logic:
the winner of the 2002 world cup
is the same as the 3964 - 2002 = 1962 world cup.
The 1962 world cup was won by Brazil.
Chinese fans have reason to go on dreaming :
China has never won the world cup
So they'll probably win it in the year 3964."
Site updates
- [Posted by Halo doverDeus @ 9:00 PM CST, 06/23/02]
The Ditritus has once again got some minor updates. The navbar's been updated and some links will start to work ;).
Happy Birthday to Dragon!
- [Posted by Halo doverDeus @ 11:00 PM CST, 06/21/02]
It's Dragon's 13th year old birthday! Let's all wish him a happy birthday and 5 hours for him everyday to enjoy his daily subscription
to gay porn :)! Click Here
to find out more ... Dragon is also going on a trip to China for the next few days, so he'll be absent from our forums.
Editorial: Why is Counter-strike so addictive? by SpHiNx
- [Posted by SpHiNx @ 09:00 PM CST, 06/20/02]
All of us have experienced a video game that just eats up your time. The kind of game that just seems to get better the more you play and you don't realize how good the game is till you find yourself sitting at your computer or T.V at 3am in the morning with red and dry blistering eyes, one of your legs is numb, your fingers are stiff and sore, and you got to pee REAL BAD. Now a lot of us can relate to that with games like Phantasy Star Online, Goldeneye, Warcraft, Starcraft, Quake 3 and maybe a couple more. These are the games that are just so addictive to play, whether it is to find rare items, perfect your strategies, find the best spot for fraggin, or to just plain be the best, these games just ought to be banned for the sake of humanity, PEROID!
Alright, alright, nobody, including me would want these insanely addictive games banned, so if I was to name the single most addictive game ever it would defiantly be Counter-strike. This game is so addictive, they ought to make a nicrorette patch or gum or WHATEVER for Counter-Strike junkies like me. This game, for over a year now, has probably robbed over 300 hours of my life, and that isn't an exaggerated number! Some CS experts will probably say 300 hours for over a year, THATS NOTHING! Now I know I don't have to rant forever on why CS is so addictive for those who really appreciate it, but for the people who have never played CS, or even have and think I am some crazy loser, BACK OFF! I'll break up why CS is so damn addictive into three parts.
Gameplay - Counterstrike is a mix of Quake and Rainbow Six like gameplay to me. You've got stealth, great weapons, strategy, tons of action, all rolled up into a very tight little ball of string. It is very hard to describe how much fun this game is till you, yourself really get into. And guess what? I love it! Just like the other 3000+ people playing Counterstrike right now. Overall I haven't seen a FPS with such brilliant gameplay since Goldeneye.
Maps - Again, you really need to experience some of the maps to appreciate them, instead of listening to me rant along, but I can describe two things clearly. First, all of the CS maps usually have there own textures and completely unique designs, which keeps the game real fresh. Second, there are some really memorable maps in the game, which are worthy of their own personal editorials like "Militia", "Prodidgy", or "Rotterdam".
Internet Play - This is the real kicker on why Counter-strike is so addictive is because playing with humans is a lot more fun than playing with some lame AI opponents. That and over 56k, if you can find a good server (which also isn't impossible) the game can run real smooth and fast with no problems. And considering this is a twitch based game, that is a very good thing for the unfortunate 56ks users out there, including me..... that and interacting, chatting, and using teamwork with your team can be a lot of fun and real rewarding.
There you have it, and you know what? I am gonna go play some CS right now because all of this ranting is painful because seriously, how can you not love Counterstike?
New and improved
- [Posted by Halo doverDeus @ 09:00 PM CST, 06/20/02]
The site's navbar has been internet-ized and now uses an e-style-type-thingy theme. Other slight improvements as well.
Just a wee while more ...
- [Posted by Halo doverDeus @ 09:00 PM CST, 06/18/02]
The Ditritus is still not up yet. Construction will begin in the next few days and on Saturday and Sunday this week. Hang around the
forums for now!
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